Monday, February 9, 2009


We had a family birthday party for my dad for his 80th birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise party and my dad swears he didn't know a thing! We had a great time and told stories about him over the years. A good time was had by all!

As you can see, Ted was able to make it to the party! (He's on the far right.) It was a really busy weekend because it was also Katie's 24th birthday (Feb. 7th), and she was here, too. My youngest niece, McKellie, shares the same birthday (Feb 4th) with my dad ... and she turned 13! We had a lot to celebrate!

And, of course, we all celebrated the great news that Ted is feeling so good! He went to Baylor today and everything is still good. They are tweaking his medication a little, mostly the magnesium because it is still a little low, but the doctors are happy with the numbers. He is still having some back pain, and is doing some stretching exercises to work it out. Right now he is going 3 times a week, and they said if he keeps doing so well, they might lower it to twice a week!


Lori said...

WOW... what a birthday party! I didn't realize so many of your realives were born in February! Looks like it was blast.

Look'n Good Ted!

KirkKrew said...

Glad Ted is doing so well! What a celebration!!