Monday, March 23, 2009


Ted did great on his first week back at work! We are still getting back in the routine of each day. Since I started a full time job back in August we had barely gotten it down when things changed again. So we are now settling in once again to both of us getting off to work each day!

This may be a blog overload, but we have lots going on with our families, and I should have posted each event separately because it's all big news, but I haven't been too good about blogging lately ... so I'll catch you all up a little here. We have so much to be thankful for!

The last few days I have been focused on a huge prayer request! My neice, Mary (17-year old daughter of my sister Kathleen), had a surgery today. She underwent an aortic replacement along with an aortic valve replacement. Everything went great! She will be in ICU for a few days, but is expected to make a full recovery!

When you have wonderful big families like we do, there is always something going on. Here are some more of our family prayers and blessings ...

Matt & Missy (my son and daughter-in-law) are expecting twins! They are due in October!

Reci and Marc (Julie's daughter and son-in-law) are also expecting a baby in October!

CJ (Julie's son) and Brooke will be married on June 13th!

Our very dear friends' daughter, Amy, and her fiance Jeff will also be married on June 13th!

Matt (Ted's nephew) and Amanda will be married on June 27th!

Katie (my daughter) will graduate from Midwestern State Nursing School on May 15th!

Taylor (my neice) will graduate from Baylor Univeristy on May 15th!

Today my mom had cataract surgery ... no complications!

Like I said, when you have a big blended and extended family, there's always something going on!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Just wanted you all to know ... Ted is still doing so good and got the green light for GO today! He is planning to go back to work on Monday. They told him he is doing great and all the numbers look good. He is still going to physical therapy and getting stronger!

We are also excited about something else! Check it out here Hint hint ... Guess who's going to be a big sister??

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Things are really going well! Ted is feeling so good and looking forward to returning to work in a few weeks. His target date to return to work is March 16th.

The doctor told him that his blood test shows that he has taken on his new blood type 50 percent. It will be several months before he completely takes on Hans' blood type, but the engrafting is continuing to take place without any complications.

He still goes to Baylor twice a week and also goes to physical therapy. He is gaining weight and getting stronger every day. He has gotten out and done some yard work and does lots of housework, too. I am sure going to miss having him at home!

Please join us in prayer that Ted has an easy transition going back to work and also that he will continue to gain strength as his body accepts the cells 100%.