Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Things are really going well! Ted is feeling so good and looking forward to returning to work in a few weeks. His target date to return to work is March 16th.

The doctor told him that his blood test shows that he has taken on his new blood type 50 percent. It will be several months before he completely takes on Hans' blood type, but the engrafting is continuing to take place without any complications.

He still goes to Baylor twice a week and also goes to physical therapy. He is gaining weight and getting stronger every day. He has gotten out and done some yard work and does lots of housework, too. I am sure going to miss having him at home!

Please join us in prayer that Ted has an easy transition going back to work and also that he will continue to gain strength as his body accepts the cells 100%.


Missy said...

Wow! That is so great!! God is so good!

Lolly said...

Does that mean he is talking German half of the time?

Great news. We are so happy that he is feeling so much better.

Lori said...

HA HA Lolly your funny! Count me on the prayers!