Thursday, March 12, 2009


Just wanted you all to know ... Ted is still doing so good and got the green light for GO today! He is planning to go back to work on Monday. They told him he is doing great and all the numbers look good. He is still going to physical therapy and getting stronger!

We are also excited about something else! Check it out here Hint hint ... Guess who's going to be a big sister??


Lolly said...

Yeah Ted. I am happy for you that you won't be bored anymore.

I know that Tina is sad because she is losing her house husband. She is going to have to start cooking, doing laundry and cleaning again.

Lori said...

Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho... It's Off to work you go! hee hee..... You know what that means Ted.... we get to have our once a week lunch time telephone dates. WooHoo! Finally, we'll be able to talk without a nurse bothering you.

GiGi... you are one lucky Grandmom! Another grandchild!!!! When do we start guessing whether it's a boy or girl?